

被 据WaterWise


Responding to the hard-earned lessons learned from enduring several droughts over the past 30 years, 南加州人已经改变了他们看待和使用水的方式. The result is impressive: Southland residents use less water today than they did in 1990, even though our population has increased by more than 4 million people. We’ve achieved this together as a region by supporting smarter plumbing and building codes, 提高对自然资源重要性的认识, 资助节水退税计划, and enlisting students to bring conservation home through Metropolitan’s education programs. 多年来的干旱伴随着强降雨, we recognize that climate change is making California’s swings from wet to dry even more extreme, 我们必须做好准备. That’s why it’s important to be prepared by saving water today to store for the dry years ahead.

保护 is not only a way of life here, it’s a vital water supply source. Without conservation, the effects of drought would be more swift and more severe. 当我们在日常生活中使用更少的水, we reduce water demands across the region and achieve greater supply reliability for us all.



A yard with shrubs and groundcover native to California instead of a grass lawn


An increasing percentage of Southern California’s water supply comes from conservation, 水回收利用, 回收地下水. Metropolitan’s annual achievement report describes its successes in the areas of local resource development, 本地存储188bet棋牌平台, and improvement of the watersheds that provide imported and local supplies to the region.





Metropolitan is always looking for great ideas and ways to be even more efficient. 这个以研究为重点的资助项目, 与南加州天然气公司合作, allows Metropolitan to form partnerships with public and private entities to evaluate the potential and reliability of innovative water-saving devices, 技术和策略.


This program provides sponsorships for community-based organizations to organize water conservation and water-use efficiency programs and activities throughout the Metropolitan Water District service area. 资助社区论坛, 研讨会, 水的节日, 课外项目, 还有示范花园.



Non-residential customers who are interested in improving their water savings with upgraded equipment or services that do not qualify for other rebates can apply to this program that supports water-use efficiency.


One of the most effective ways to conserve water is to irrigate efficiently. With this watering calculator you will be able to estimate the correct amount of water to give your landscape or garden on a weekly basis.

广告 & 外展

Metropolitan’s in-house design resources allow us to rapidly adapt and revise messaging and programs to address evolving water supply conditions and consumer interests. We are mindful to produce culturally relevant communications materials in multiple 语言s that speak to our diverse service area across various platforms. Metropolitan has developed a suite of advertising and outreach campaigns to increase awareness about the need to conserve amid climate extremes. The campaigns provide Southern California residents with practical water-saving tips and information on water-efficient device rebates.

Metropolitan relies on a network to broadcast the importance of conservation as the region continues to face increasingly severe impacts of climate change.
